Dora: Non-Yaku Han |
(1) |
DoraOne extra Han for each tile that is the next tile of a Dora marker
(1) |
AkadoraOne extra Han for each red five
Richii |
X |
Richii • Ippatsu • DaburuWith a concealed hand, lock your hand waiting for the winning tile.Extra Yaku if the player wins before their next discard after Richii. One extra Yaku for declaring Richii in the first turn.
Extras |
X |
YakuhaiOne Yaku per each Dragon Pon, each seat's/table's Wind Pon
X |
Haitei Raoyue • Houtei Raoyui • Rinshan KaihouWin with the last tile from the wallWin with the last discard Win with an extra tile after a kan
X |
TsumoSelf-drawn winning tile
Full and Base Hands |
F |
TanyaoA Hand with no terminals or honours
F |
PinfuFour chis, waiting for any end of one chi, no Yakuhai pair
B |
IipeikouTwo identical chis
B |
IttsuuThree sequences/chis 1-3 4-6 7-9 in the same suit
B |
Sanshoku DoujunThe same sequence/chi in all three suits
F |
ChantaAt last one honour or terminal in each set
F |
Toitoi • SuuankouFour pons
F |
Chii Toitsuseven pairs, all different
B |
SanankauThree concealed pons, these pons can not be completed by taking a discard
B |
Sanshoku DokouSame Pon in all 3 suits, these pons can not be completed by the winning tile
B |
Sankantsu3 kans
F |
HonroutouAll tiles are terminals or honours
B |
SousangenSmall Dragons: Two pons of dragons, one pair of dragons
B |
Ryan PeikouTwo pairs of two identical chis
F |
HonitsuAll tiles in one suite and honours
F |
JunchanAt last one terminal in each set
F |
ChinitsuAll tiles in one suite
B |
DaisangenBig Dragons: Three pons of dragons
B |
Shousuushii • DaisuushiiSmall winds: three wind pons, one wind pairBig winds: four wind pons
F |
Tsuuiisou • ChinroutouAll honoursAll Terminals
B |
RyuuiisouAll tiles with green ink only, 3 4 6 8 Bamboo and Green Dragon
F |
Chuuren Poutou111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 999 in the same suite - and any extra of the suite
F |
Kokushi MusouOne of each honour and each terminal, with an extra honour or terminal